5th Marines: www.5thmarinesvietnammemorial.org
1st Bn, 1st Marines: http://www.1stbn1stmarines.com/
1st Bn, 4th Marines: http://1stbn4thmarines.com/
1st Bn, 9th Marines: http://1stbn4thmarines.com/
2nd BN, 9th Marines: http://www.2ndbattalion9thmarines.org/
7th Engineer BN: http://www.usmc.org/7th/
Were you a helicopter pilot?  http://www.popasmoke.com

Were you a tanker?  http://usmcvta.org Organization for Vietnam era Marine Tankers and those in support of tanks. We also welcome ONTOS officers and crewmen.

MACG-18, MASS-3 Our first ever 50 year reunion for Marines who served with MASS-3 (Marine Air Support Squadron – 3 will be held 17-19 July 2018.  Info at: http://mass-3.blogspot.com

Command Chronologies: http://www.archives.gov/research/military/marine-corps/command-chronology.html
The Battle of Dai Do aka the Battle of Dong Ha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-ZI1BGr3Mw

R 221855Z FEB 17
ALMAR 006/17
1.  This ALMAR announces publication of a web page that will assist Marines and veteran Marines in organizing unit reunions.
2.  Sergeant Major Green and I understand that we are stronger together.  In our 2016 Marine Corps Birthday message, we spoke of our warrior culture.  We learn, share, mourn, celebrate, and protect each other by coming together and telling stories.  Reunions, and the connections strengthened by them, offer an environment in which we are reminded of who we are.
3.  I ask all Marines to get connected.  Find your fellow Marines.  Reach out, catch up, and when needed, help others.  One way to enhance our bonds is through hosting or participating in reunions.  While hosting a reunion may be a complicated undertaking, I know Marines are up to that task.
4.  In this spirit and to show just some of the considerations required to conduct a reunion, as well as to highlight past reunions and announce those to come, the Marine Corps has launched a “Year of the Reunion” web page that can be accessed through www.marines.mil.  Although the page is not all inclusive, it does provide a playbook “template” that can help organize logistics and planning considerations.  Collaborating with others who have conducted reunions may help avoid planning and execution pitfalls, as well as guide you through the process of organizing a successful event.
5.  Following any reunion, we ask that you share your experiences and insights.  Use the reunion web page to post photos, testimonials, and your after-action reports.  As SgtMaj Green said in our Birthday message, this is about individuals coming together to be a part of something greater than one’s self.
6.  Enjoy your reunions and Semper Fidelis.
Robert B. Neller, General, U.S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps.//